Is College Worth It?

Is College Worth It? College is more and more becoming a waste of time, money, and energy as well as creating incredible debt. This impact on individual’s lives can be crushing sometimes taking generations to repay. School tuition is going up, and so are grades, yet in the harsh reality of the real world, success rates are declining. Something is off here…

Tucker Carlson goes into it in-depth here. However, with Tucker no longer at Fox, we don’t know how long this video will be available. In fact, if it disappears we will update as needed. This is information people need to know to make informed decisions about college.

“Colleges barely teach, yet every year they increase their fees. Try that in a private business, you might get indicted for fraud. Do it at an American university and you get billions in taxpayer subsidies.” — Tucker Carlson Tonight

Is College Worth It?

Let’s look at what we know...

In the first place, it has been reported that 45 percent of students “did not demonstrate any significant improvement in learning” in the first two years of their expensive college. And in addition, it’s reported that 40 percent didn’t learn anything at all over their high-priced four years.

Tucker adds “College is not making people Smarter, Clearly”.

Many Students Never Really Studied, with 35 percent reporting less than 5 hours a week in study time.2.67 hours a day is all that is reported. Twice that time in shopping, eating, and partying.Consistent increase in Adult illiteracy. In fact, Most College Grads fall below average in Cognitive Tasks. (Such as calculating the costs of food in a Grocery Store). Everyone should be concerned about that.

Here is more: College Grads in the US test at or less than High School kids in several other Countries. And continuing: Top Universities are declining in their Academic Rigor.

And then there is this: College Classes get flimsier. Yet College GPA averages are over 3.0 averages. Grade Inflation Highest at Private Schools. More Students are Failing, but yet nobody fails.

Tucker Continues: And with $Billions in Tax Payer dollars being sent to these Institutions??? WHAT!!! If this was a Private Business there would be Fraud Indictments. And he is absolutely right! 

These problems are Huge. So what is the answer?

Well, it may not be your thousands and thousands of dollars in tuition costs, but the Education you will have immediate access to has a proven track history of helping to create incomes of hundreds to thousands a week for its students.

Is College Worth It- Man making money from his computer

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