Positive Affirmation The Power Of Change

There is power from positive affirmation believe it or not. It is true to say we all have that voice in our heads talking to us about one thing or another. It is also true to say that no matter who we are, there are difficulties that could potentially have a disastrous effect on the rest of our lives. However, what is one of the determining factors in the outcome? What makes someone throw their hands up, quit, or put their head down and lean into the difficulty?

Man with pictures if his face happy and sad. Power for positive Affirmation

Using The Power From Positive Affirmation

Indeed, I believe ( and studies have shown) that your internal dialog influences your mind’s perception of life events and difficulties and how to handle them. For instance, if your internal voice has positive views when you are in a challenge or difficult situation, you will recognize it for what it is and immediately look for the solution. Understanding that this is only a temporary situation and it will be overcome. In contrast, if your internal voice has negative views this challenge or difficulty seems too big to be overcome and signals the end of your career, relationship, life, etc. In fact, your internal dialog ( how you speak to yourself ) influences almost all your important decisions as well as, the outcomes in your life. So in other words, as the old saying goes your perception is influenced by which wolf you feed.

We all have negative thoughts or question ourselves. But even so, you need to replace them with positive affirmations to stay positive. However, this is not suggesting you ignore the reality of the situation. Indeed, recognize the reality, knowing there is an answer to the problem. You just cannot see it yet.

What Are Positive Affirmations And How Do They Help?

Positive Affirmations are phrases made up to repeat to yourself aloud or in your head. Some people write them down and have them readily visible. You will find them on T-shirts, wall plaques, and all over social media. They are meant to help build up your positive thoughts. As well as improve your confidence when times are tough. The purpose is to overcome negative thoughts that make you doubt yourself and your abilities. Using daily positive affirmations is to feed your mind positivity and minimize negative thoughts.

Using positive affirmations doesn’t mean saying one phrase to yourself over and over. It is more about affirming yourself and replacing negative thoughts. This could be as simple as telling yourself you are talented and bring value to your job when you start comparing yourself to co-workers.

How To Use Positive Affirmations

To begin with, not everyone is the same. Therefore, they do not process things the same way. There is no one way that is right for everybody. To begin with, look for a trait, quality, or choice you have made. And begin highlighting the positivity of that. What aspects of that are positive? Positive Affirmations work best when they are directed at a specific issue or a concern you are having to deal with.

As I mentioned before doing positive affirmations does not mean denying the reality. On the contrary, positive affirmations are meant to recognize what you are going through and how hard it is. Then help you to get on the other side of it. The tough times must be processed and worked through to overcome them.

What Are The Effects Of Positive Affirmations

As someone who has never really thought about (much less used) positive affirmations throughout my life, since starting to use them a few years ago I and others around me have noticed the changes in my demeanor and outlook. I was always kind of middle of the road as far as seeing things went. I definitely have a mostly positive slant on things now and it has served me very well. Now I take on changes without panicking and letting emotions interfere with my assessment of the situation.

Here are a few things using positive affirmation can do for you. Research has proven daily positive affirmation can Help by

Firstly it can help decrease your stress. If you go into a difficult situation already knowing there is an answer you just have to find it, there is less stress.

Secondly it can improve your sense of well-being. Positive affirmations will reinforce the fact that no matter what you will be alright.

Thirdly it can improve your academic performance. In certain instances, this will be required to work through the situation.

Fourthly people who use this are usually more open to changing their behavior to fix a difficulty and prevent others.

Using Positive Affirmation focuses on your self-worth by examining your core values, thereby, giving you a broader view of yourself.

Examples Of Positive Affirmation Statements

These affirmations are usually short but highly impactful on your positive mindset. As mentioned before each person has their own best way to receive these positive affirmations here are a few suggestions. Say them in your head while brushing your teeth, shaving, or working on your hair. Say them on your way to work, working in the yard, etc. Or write them down before you go to bed. The key is to actually use them. The more you do the more it should help you discover your value and self-worth inside.

Power From Positive Affirmation-Man pushing a boulder

Below Are 15 Examples Of Positive Affirmations

  • I can make a real difference
  • I am strong
  • My efforts will result in success
  • I have the strength to make the right choices for me
  • I am confident in myself
  • I have belief in my abilities
  • I am grateful for what I can do
  • I am happy to be me
  • My goals can be accomplished
  • I am on the right path for me
  • I trust myself
  • I am strong in my mind, body, and spirit
  • Life is a gift
  • It’s okay to have fun
  • I deserve love and happiness

This is just a sampling of the affirmations available, however, it is my hope this will get you going on the path of positive self-talk and thoughts. If you connect with any of these phrases you can start by simply repeating it to yourself. These can be used as guides to creating your own affirming phrases to better suit your own unique personality.

Put Your Positive Affirmations Into Practice

Accordingly, these affirmations only work if you practice using them. It may not be comfortable in the beginning, however, after a while you will not even notice you are doing it. So as you are getting used to it be sure and shove out any negative thoughts that may pop up. You have to be intentional about your positive thoughts.

As a skeptic originally, I can tell you from experience that you will probably feel silly talking to yourself in front of the mirror. But don’t let that stop you. You won’t be a positive thinker overnight. It takes practice and time for your brain to absorb that this is who we are now. It will start feeling normal soon enough.

In conclusion, there is no right or wrong way to start using positive affirmations. Do what works best for you. Getting started is the hardest part and the sooner you do the sooner you should start to see results.

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